The collective writing is the basis of our pyramid of letters. Everyone, in any context, is welcome to participate in our projects because they treasure a message to share, a story to tell and a voice that deserves to be heard. A very interesting catharsis occurs through collective writing experiences. A book which is made with many hands is richer because it contains various elements and integrates more sources of inspiration, more life experiences, more colors and more visions of the shared reality. Our books are very close to the readers because they contain knowledges, memories and intertwined heritages that have been crystallized in books made by people that share culture, roots and identity.
We are specialized in this participatory methodology because we trust in its possibilities and in its role to activate genuine cultural processes. We want to continue spreading collective writing as a mechanism that builds culture of peace, civility and dialogue because it is a useful, innovative, funny, transformative, economical and easy‐to‐implement tool.
We believe in a different way of experiencing Literature as well as in the urgency of resewing all the narratives in our world with letters and voices. Our work is related with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education) and with the subsection 4.7: “To ensure that all people acquire the necessary knowledge and tools promoting the sustainable development through education and sustainable lifestyles, Human Rights, gender equity, the promotion of a culture of peace and non‐violence, the global citizenship, the appreciation of cultural diversity and, in general, the contributions of culture to sustainable development.